Monday, July 25, 2011

Hi I'm Jen and I'm a compulsive crafter.

Yes, it's true.. I cannot help myself! I see something creative or crafty and I just have to make it. Sometimes it turns into a routine craft that I love and will create over and over again in different colors, textures, mediums..

Lets see where it started..Grandma. yes, she was a local seamstress and I sat with her daily using my Fisher Price enormous plastic button and shoestring with a needle to try and copy her techniques. I graduated to sewing ugly appliques onto my poor dog's collar and making my own pencil cases.  We'll start with that, as I post projects and different crafts and god knows what else I dabble in and obsess over I'll continue the story. 

For now, I'll leave you with my homies.. who doesn't love a Boo Boo Bunny?


  1. ANother blog...I love it! You are so crafty. Can't wait to see more!

  2. Crafting is such a slippery slope. I started learning to knit, then weave, then spin to provide the yarn and then ended up with Angora rabbits, Angora goats and need a bigger yard!
